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How do I search for products?

Search by Item Number or Name
If you know the item number or the manufacturer's item number, type it in the search bar at the top of any page on There are a few possible results to your search:
1) The website will return that product if it is available online. If there are other items with similar item numbers or product information they may show up as well.
2) If your item is not available online and there are not other items with similar product information, you will get a note that states "Your search returns no results." You should check that you entered the correct item number.
3) If your item is not available online and there are items with similar product data those items will be returned.
You can also search for the name of a product or a keyword. Keep in mind that single words work best. For example, if you are searching for a pill box.
Try searching the world "pill". When more than one word is used the search will return what is most relevant first and then any item that includes any part of the search phrase.

Search By Category
If the search bar is not returning useful information try navigating to the category of the product you are searching for by following these steps:
1) Hold your mouse over the correct Product Category tab at the top of the website. You will see a drop down menu. Select the category that should include the product you are searching for.
a. You will be taken to that category and all products in the category will be displayed.
b. Under Daily Living Solutions you can select, Home & Office, Health & Personal Care, or Recreation & Leisure. These categories match the Daily Living Solutions Catalog.
2) Some of these categories include subcategories. Select the subcategory that best fits the products you are searching for. 

Still Need Help?
Our Customer Care Team is available at (800) 444-4443 or by emailing to help you find the product you need and to help you learn the best tips and tricks for shopping online. Our Office hours are Monday through Friday, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM EST. And, you can check out the Frequently Asked Questions page if you have more specific questions. Please let us know how we can help make shopping with us a great experience.

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