
Access and Engagement Survey – Continuing the Dialogue for Accessibility

Throughout the US and Canada more than 1,400 participants completed the Access and Engagement 1 Survey?  This survey examined the impact of COVID-19 on the education of students with visual impairments, their families, teachers of students with visual impairments (TVIs), and orientation and mobility (O&M) specialists.

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Safe Travels this Holiday Season!

Traditionally Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday travel season, which will last well through the end of the year.  Airports, roads, and train stations may be filled with people hoping to spend time with loved ones they do not get to see often.   Though there may be fewer travelers due to COVID-19 it is important to remember a few tips before making your travel plans.

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Hope in Sight – Blindness Awareness Month

According to WHO, there are 285 million people who are visually impaired worldwide, of which 39 million are blind.  Of these, 82% are over the age of 50, and cataracts account for the most common cause of blindness.  World Sight Day, which falls on the second Thursday of October, and Blindness Awareness Month both focus on bringing awareness that 80% of the causes of blindness are preventable.  Globally, more than 1 billion people cannot see well because they do not have access to glasses. 

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Celebrate White Cane Safety Day on October 15th

White Cane Safety Day began in 1964 when Congress adopted a joint resolution to not only designate October 15th as White Cane Safety Day but also recognize and celebrate the achievements of people who are blind or vision impaired and the white cane as a tool for independence.  The white cane gives people who are blind the freedom to move throughout their day, getting from one place to another safely and independently. 

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Eye Safety Tips for Around the Home

Did you know there are roughly 2.5 million eye injuries that occur every year?  Nearly half of these happen at home and 90% of eye injuries can be avoided by taking proper precautions.  This year has seen a rise of eye injuries and blurry vision due to an increased use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  Though the blurriness may not be a permanent impairment, it is important to irrigate your eyes immediately and thoroughly with warm water.

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Fall Prevention Month - Make Safety a Habit & Keep Your Independence

Did you know that more than 31 million hospital trips per year are related to accidents around the house? Falls rank high on the household accident list with injuries leading to stays in the hospital, long-term care facilities or worse.

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Usher Syndrome Awareness Day – “Own the Equinox”

Usher Syndrome Awareness Day falls on the 3rd Saturday of September every year, close to the autumnal equinox when the days have more darkness than light. The Usher Syndrome Coalition considers this a fitting metaphor for the threat of Usher syndrome and why they “Own the Equinox” every year at this time.

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Healthy Aging Month – Tips for Staying Active and Healthy

For more than 20 years September has been designated as “Healthy Aging Month.”  Healthy aging isn’t only about eating healthy or exercising regularly, it includes all aspects of your life.  Eating, thinking, acting, and being healthy. 

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FAQ’s – Do I Really Need Sunglasses?

Have you ever wondered; are sunglasses just a fashion statement? Do they really help block out the harmful rays from the sun and prevent damage to your eyes?  What eye conditions or diseases can result from overexposure to UV rays?

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Success Begins in the Classroom – Whether In-Person or Virtual!

All parents would like to see their children succeed in school and enjoy their time learning.  If you have a child with low vision, you may be looking for ways to make learning accessible using assistive technology.

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