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(showing 26 - 30  results found)

Enjoying the Outdoors while Protecting your Vision

June 27th is National Sunglasses Day and a good reminder to protect our vision while we are outside enjoying summer time activities.  Keep your sunglasses by the door so they are easy to grab on your way out!

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August is Child Eye Health and Safety Month!

Looking after our children’s health is our top priority once we become parents.  Ensuring they are eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, getting plenty of outdoor playtime, and enough sleep every night is important.  Having regular checkups with the pediatrician can help prevent major illness.  But what about their vision?  Have you taken your child to an optometrist to test for common eye conditions in children?  There are some eye conditions that children are born with or develop young that can be treated or corrected if caught early. 

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Safe Travels this Holiday Season!

Traditionally Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday travel season, which will last well through the end of the year.  Airports, roads, and train stations may be filled with people hoping to spend time with loved ones they do not get to see often.   Though there may be fewer travelers due to COVID-19 it is important to remember a few tips before making your travel plans.

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Optelec's Holiday Gift Giving Guide!

“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving” - Mother Teresa. Looking for the perfect gift for friends and family? Give a gift that is meaningful, practical, and shows how much you care.  For your loved ones with low vision, receiving a gift that gives them independence and gets them back to doing what they love is priceless.

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FAQs – How are Wet and Dry Macular Degeneration Different?

Macular Degeneration is a progressive eye disease that can result in a loss of your central vision.  Genetics and environmental factors are likely to blame and are significant causes of visual impairment in adults over 50.  Macular Degeneration has two forms: ‘dry’ and ‘wet’.  What are the differences between ‘Wet’ and ‘Dry’ macular degeneration?  What affect do they have on your vision?

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