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(showing 21 - 25  results found)

Fall Prevention Month - Make Safety a Habit & Keep Your Independence

Did you know that more than 31 million hospital trips per year are related to accidents around the house? Falls rank high on the household accident list with injuries leading to stays in the hospital, long-term care facilities or worse.

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February is Low Vision Awareness Month

What does the term “Low Vision” mean?  The term “low vision” is often used to describe the vision of a person with an eye disease or condition in which visual acuity is 20/70 or greater in the better-seeing eye and cannot be corrected or improved with regular eyeglasses.

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The Role Magnification Plays in Healthy Aging

For more than 20 years, September has been designated as “Healthy Aging Month.” Living a healthy lifestyle and continuing healthy habits as we age isn’t only about eating healthy or exercising regularly; it includes all aspects of your life.

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Crossword Puzzle Day!

Do you get up Sunday morning, grab a pen, a cup of coffee and your newspaper? What happens when your vision starts to change and it becomes too difficult to see to complete the crossword puzzle, read the newspaper, or participate in your favorite hobbies? Feeling like you are missing out or have had to give up some of your favorite pastimes, can get you down. Don’t be discouraged! Many have felt the same way, but there is technology available that can assist you. 

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April is National Occupational Therapy Month

Through occupational therapy, someone with a visual impairment can learn to fully utilize their remaining vision.  By making recommended changes around your home, work, or school you can adapt your environment to meet your needs.

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