The Role Magnification Plays in Healthy Aging

For more than 20 years, September has been designated as “Healthy Aging Month.” Living a healthy lifestyle and continuing healthy habits as we age isn’t only about eating healthy or exercising regularly; it includes all aspects of your life.

The National Institute for Health (NIH) National Institute on Aging offers tips on healthy aging:

  • Get moving – try gardening, biking, or walking.
  • Choose healthy foods rich in nutrients.
  • Manage stress – try yoga or keep a journal.
  • Learn something new – take a class or join a club.
  • Go to the doctor regularly.
  • Connect with family and friends.

These tips may seem simple and easy to achieve unless you have an eye condition that limits your vision. These activities may seem impossible when you have low vision due to a common eye condition such as Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, or Cataracts.

Optelec Compact 10 HD Reading a recipe with son

As you age and your vision begins to change, magnification is a simple and effective solution to keep you doing the activities you enjoy.

How can magnification help you include the tips above in your daily life?

  • Get moving – magnification can help you read street signs on a new walking route, read labels on plants, or information on seed packets while gardening.
  • Choose healthy foods rich in nutrients – use a handheld or portable magnifier at the store to read nutrition information on packaging or at home to magnify text in a new cookbook.
  • Manage stress – a video magnifier can enlarge images of new yoga poses or your notebook to help you see as you write in your journal.
  • Learn something new – when taking a new class or starting a new hobby, magnification can help you read your textbooks or an item you are painting, sculpting, or knitting.
  • Go to the doctor regularly – enlarge and complete the forms from your doctor’s office or read their post-visit instructions with a portable or desktop video magnifier.
  • Connect with family and friends – use a video magnifier when writing or reading a letter from a loved one.

Learn more about the role magnification plays in healthy aging

Join us for a live webinar as we discuss healthy aging and demonstrate how the Optelec Compact 10 HD video magnifier can help you remain active and independent.

Topic: Compact 10 HD: The Role of Magnification in Healthy Aging

Date and Time: Thursday, September 12, 2024, at Noon Eastern Time

Registration: Register for this live zoom webinar.

Interested in the topic but can’t attend the live webinar? Register and we will email you the link to the archive once it is available. The recording will be available on our webinar archives page. Have questions? Send an email to

Sep 05, 2024

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