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Image of Optelec Traveller HD

Optelec Traveller HD

Would you like to read in multiple locations? Are you looking for a more natural and fluent reading experience?

Item No.: TR-HD-B-US


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Compact 4 HD Shipping Starts Today

Today, Optelec is the first to bring you a family of HD portable video magnifiers with the launch of the new Optelec Compact 4 HD.

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Sight Savers’ offer help to children with vision impairments

Homework might have just gotten a little easier for children with significant visual impairments, due to a gift of electronic and magnification equipment.

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VOSH California Provides Eye Care in Underserved Areas

April 7, 2016: Optelec supported the VOSH California chapter by donating hand-held magnifiers for their recent mission to Mexico. The nonprofit organization provides eye care services to the needy in underserved areas . 

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