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(showing 36 - 40  results found)

Eye Safety Tips for Around the Home

Did you know there are roughly 2.5 million eye injuries that occur every year?  Nearly half of these happen at home and 90% of eye injuries can be avoided by taking proper precautions.  This year has seen a rise of eye injuries and blurry vision due to an increased use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  Though the blurriness may not be a permanent impairment, it is important to irrigate your eyes immediately and thoroughly with warm water.

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FAQs – How Important is Lighting for People with Low Vision?

As we get older, our eyes and vision change.  The pupil reduces in size, muscles weaken, and the lens starts to stiffen which may cause blurred vision or trouble focusing.  The reduced pupil size and the weakened eye muscles allow less light in and you may notice a need for increased or focused lighting.  Glare sensitivity and a longer period required for adjusting to bright light may also be a noticeable change as you age. In addition to magnifying aids and glare control lenses, one of the most significant ways to make reading, writing, and crafts easier is through effective lighting solutions.

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Setting Goals for Better Vision - Resolve to See!

Have you made your New Year’s Resolution? Most likely it includes ways to achieve a healthier lifestyle and focus on taking care of yourself.  Your resolution may include walking daily, eating healthier, reading more, or learning something new. How about deciding to take better care of your vision? 

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Challenging Expectations: At Work

Starting at a very young age, people begin to think about what they want to do and who they want to be when they grow up.  Once they experience different aspects of life and pursue varying avenues of education, these expectations may change.  People may face challenges and obstacles while striving to achieve their goals or get their dream job. 

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Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day

On the third Thursday of May we celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day because accessibility is for everyone! Accessibility is defined in the dictionary as “the quality of being easily reached, entered, or used by people who have a disability.”

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