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(showing 16 - 20  results found)

FAQ’s – What is a low vision evaluation?

Surprise!  That word can at times create a lot of anxiety and stress.  In our day to day life surprises are not generally looked favorably on.  Knowing what is coming and what to expect can help alleviate a lot of worry. 

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Take Action and Protect Your Vision During National Glaucoma Awareness Month and Beyond

Did you know that Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss in the United States? It affects more than 2.7 million people currently, and it is estimated for numbers to double by 2050. Since January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, it is a good time to take control of your eye health and pick up that phone to schedule the long overdue eye exam.  

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February is National AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month – Get the Facts!

Age-related Macular Degeneration is one of the most common eye diseases in older adults.  Age-related Macular Degeneration affects the central vision and can begin almost undetected.  Regular check-ups by an eye care professional are especially important to catch this disease early and start treatments to retain as much usable vision as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions – What is Low Vision?

What does “low vision” really mean?  If someone with a vision impairment has “low vision”, does that mean someone with 20/20 vision has “high vision”?  Is “low vision” an eye condition or a result of an eye disease?

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Success Begins in the Classroom – Whether In-Person or Virtual!

All parents would like to see their children succeed in school and enjoy their time learning.  If you have a child with low vision, you may be looking for ways to make learning accessible using assistive technology.

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