Celebrate Senior Health and Fitness Day – What Gets You Moving?

May 25th is Senior Health and Fitness Day; a day to focus on nothing but the healthy and positive things in life. More than 100,000 older adults across the United States will be participating in this event! Will you be one of them?

What if you take this one day, and it leads to another fun-filled day and then to the next? Before you know it, it becomes part of your daily routine. Below are some easy to incorporate ideas that will keep you moving!

Mature woman cooking with granddaughter using ClearView GO to magnify recipe

Eat Healthily

What we eat has lasting effects on our overall well-being. Making healthy choices is not always easy or fun. However, there are some ways to enjoy a healthy diet and have fun along the way. 

  • Plant herbs and small vegetable plants you can use for cooking; even small pots in your kitchen can yield rich rewards 
  • Try out new recipes
  • Join a cooking class
  • Have friends over for a potluck

When you struggle with a vision impairment, you can think cooking is beyond your reach. You may worry about safety in the kitchen and adding the correct ingredients. Using a digital magnifier in the kitchen can help you read recipes, food packaging, and oven settings.

Sometimes we need to look to someone who has overcome these obstacles and achieved amazing things. Consider checking out Christine Ha; The Blind Cook. Her story is inspirational and can give you the needed push to try something new.

Think Healthy

Think yourself to better health. You don’t think it is possible? Keeping a positive mental attitude has a bearing on our physical health. Positive thinking is an effective way of managing stress and difficult situations. Health benefits derived from positive thinking include less risk of catching a cold, a longer life span, and lowered risk of death from cardiovascular disease. “When you are experiencing positive emotions like joy, contentment, and love, you will see more possibilities in your life,” says James Clear in his article “How Positive Thinking Builds Your Skills, Boosts Your Health, and Improves Your Work.” What suggestions does he offer for improving your positive thinking? 

  • Meditate daily
  • Journal; write about positive experiences
  • Get outside and have fun 

You cannot think your eyes better or your vision improved but taking positive steps in your life improves your outlook. Getting out and discussing your concerns with others in a similar situation can offer you resources you never knew were available. Join a Low Vision Support Group in your area to connect with peers, learn about the latest low vision technology, and make friends.

Act Healthy

Yoga, Pilates, walking, biking, and swimming are great activities you can do year-round, with a group, or on your own. 

  • Join your local gym
  • Start a walking group
  • Take a water aerobics class at the nearby aquatics center. 

Get out and get moving. Being around your peers motivates you, encourages you, and helps you keep striving to reach new goals. 

If you have low vision, sometimes leaving your house or comfort zone can be intimidating. Joining a group activity will help alleviate your fears and keep you safe while keeping fit. Get connected with an Orientation and Mobility Specialist for suggestions on getting out and about safely.

Be Healthy

Do you have a good habit you want to develop? Today is the day for a new you! What are your goals?

  • Drinking more water
  • Being active every day
  • Quitting smoking
  • Thinking positively

Get your family, friends, and neighbors involved. Surround yourself with positive and healthy people who share your goals.

Are you looking for sunglasses to protect your eyes while taking your daily walk? Do you need something to magnify your cookbooks while you learn new recipes? Connect with us!

May 21, 2022

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