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Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration is a medical condition often associated with aging (also referred to as “age-related Macular Degeneration”) that results in a loss of vision in the centre of your visual field. Central vision helps us to see objects clearly and perform tasks such as reading and driving.
Read more!Nystagmus
Nystagmus is an uncontrolled and involuntary movement of the eyes. The movement is often side to side (horizontal) but it can also be up and down (vertical) or circular (rotary). The movement can vary between slow and fast and almost always involves both eyes.
Read more!Ocular Tumors
Ocular tumors are tumors inside the eye. They do not occur frequently, but when they do, they will often grow on the coloured part of the eye, called the iris, or in the back of the eye. Left untreated, ocular tumors can not only threaten your vision, but also your life.
Read more!Refractive Errors
Refractive errors are errors in which the eye’s ability to focus light is affected, causing reduced visual capacity. This is the most common and well-known eye condition including various types.
Read more!Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis Pigmentosa is a group of genetic eye conditions causing progressive degeneration of the retina, the light sensitive layer of tissue lining the back of the eye. The light receptors of the retina are called rods and cones. As a result of Retinitis Pigmentosa the rods, and in a later stage the cones, slowly die, causing reduced vision.
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