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(showing 6 - 10  results found)

Bring Life into Focus with the Optelec Compact 10 HD!

Every day we stay connected with friends, family, personal affairs, and communities through many different forms including letters, newspapers, pictures, and documents. If you experience any vision loss, whether from an eye condition that you were born with or one that developed as you aged, you may be familiar with reading glasses, handheld magnifiers, or even just adjusting the material you are reading until it comes into focus.  What do you do when these simple solutions are no longer enough to bring your life into focus?

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Regaining Your Independence

Independence may mean different things to you throughout your life and could include everything from picking out your clothes every day and choosing what foods you want to eat to deciding where you live and what you do. Your independence means you get to make choices in your life without having to consult others.  However, as you get older, you may feel you are becoming more dependent on family and friends and this may leave you with feelings of sadness and lack of control over your life.

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FAQ’s – What is the best optical magnifier for me?

When choosing an optical magnifier, the most important thing to do is talk to your eye care professional, such as an Optometrist, low vision specialist, or Ophthalmologist.  Your eye care professional is going to be your best source in finding which magnification level will work for your vision. 

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Americans with Disabilities Act - Low Vision and Employment

Though the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not list by name all the disabilities or impairments it was created to protect, its purpose is to ensure the rights of individuals who have a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.” (ADA)

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February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common eye diseases in older adults.  Age-related Macular degeneration affects central vision and can begin almost undetected.  Regular check-ups by an eye care professional are especially important to catch this disease early and start treatments to retain as much usable vision as possible.

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