About Optical Magnifiers

What is an Optical Magnifier?

An optical magnifier is a reading aid for people with a visual impairment. With an optical magnifier, you can read text and view photos with magnification. This helps you to read more easily. Optelec offers a range of optical magnifiers that make reading easier, at home, in the office and on the go.


Optelec's Optical Magnifiers: PowerMag+

optical magnifier

The PowerMag+ optical magnifiers are recommended for spot or short-term reading for people who need limited magnification and/or contrast. These optical magnifiers are offered in fixed powers and available in both a hand-held or stand design. To ensure you receive the correct magnification and style of magnifier, we recommend you consult your eye care professional or a product specialist to properly fit your needs before purchasing an optical magnifier. Or, email us at info@optelec.com and we will provide you with more information and/or put you in contact with an eye care professional in your area.


hand-held magnifierHand-Held Magnifier

A hand-held magnifier is ideal to use at home or on the go. Grab the handle and move it over the text or object to view it in magnification. The Optelec PowerSlider handheld magnifier is small and light enough to be carried around and to be used both indoors and outside the home. You can use a handheld magnifier to quickly view objects in close proximity.


How much magnification do I need? 

Optical magnifiers are available with different levels of magnification. The right choice depends on the text size and/or the object you want to view, and your remaining vision.

It can be difficult to choose the right level of magnification. We recommend you to consult your eye care professional or a product specialist to properly fit your needs before purchasing an optical magnifier. Or, email us at info@optelec.com and we will provide you with more information and/or put you in contact with an eye care professional in your area.


How can I get an Optical Magnifier?

Optelec refers requests for the Optelec PowerMag+ line of optical magnifiers and prescriptive optical solutions with magnification over 3x (+8.0 Diopter) to our Professional Member Network. These Professional Optical Products are not sold directly without a prescription. Consult your eye care professional, or email us at info@optelec.com and we will provide you with more information and/or put you in contact with an eye care professional in your area.

If you want to buy the hand-held magnifier, please place an order in our webshop, or call us at (800) 444-4443


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